"In brief the Exploratory Committee of the People's objective is to bridge the gap collectively in unity & harmony." “Hands Around the World United...”
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- Exploratory Committee of the People
- Exploratory Committee of the People In brief the Exploratory Committee of the People's objective is to bridge the gap collectively in unity & harmony. We represent the voices of a wide variety of issues, concerns and causes, i.e. community, political, human rights, justice, labor, education and etc... Collectively, meaning we understand there's an array of groups and issues with missions and visions. We seek to bring these issues together as a collaborative voice to increase the overall exposure, under one umbrella. Now, to be clear this in no way takes away from any one group or cause, it's a platform of unity. Our collective will count as an overall block together. Thereby, amplifying the overall presence for each group and the overall group "Exploratory Committee of the People". As apart of this process we ask that you spread the news across your networks, all of us cross promote each other, and "LIKE" the Facebook "Exploratory Committee 2012 Election" link associated with this ongoing Facebook Event. Thank you, and Have a Blessed & Peaceful Day...
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Debt Ceiling - It's Time to Move Towards Balanced Budget Approach & Compromise
In Response to Color of Change: Tell Democrats: Don't balance the budget on the backs of the poor and middle-class
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Peace, Love, & Global Harmony to All of God's Rainbow Tribes...
Let's begin with the kids need to learn how to play in the sandbox together, and should be more than ashamed of themselves for their ongoing behavior. While we sit in the mist of bullying crisis in the country this is an extremely bad example to present for the kids of America. In addition when one thinks of conflict resolution which incorporates compromise, these legislators need to seriously get their act together, and think of someone else other than their egos & pride.
This is the ultimate in insanity and seriously lacks a sense of humanity, our economic security, the impoverished, middle class, unions, and our seniors. It's time to stop the madness and put forth a balanced approach to include removing and/or reducing tax incentives for the top tier in our economy, many of which want to contribute as exampled by "Patriotic Millionaires for Fiscal Strength": http://patrioticmillionaires.org/
They have appeared on many well know news shows, i.e. MSNBC prior to the New Year and since, requesting & supporting President Obama to not extend the Bush tax cuts. They have since made a point of letting everyone know they are more than willing to do their part.
The current bill presented need to leave the Big 3 alone, and potentially the only changes should related to making their overall systems more effective and efficient, which generally tends to save cost. There shouldn't be any cuts to benefits AT ALL... A true balanced approach MUST INCLUDE GENERATING REVENUE, it's insane to think it doesn't. But, above all America companies need to hire, reduce outsourcing for now and but hardworking taxpayers back to work. Additionally, due to the state of the economy not moving at the pace expected another stimulus & extending unemployment benefits for ALL sectors of the unemployed is in order.
Another strong consideration should also be a mortgage and 401K retirement moratorium to give hardworking taxpayers a break that they deserve...
Thank you, and Have a Blessed & Peaceful Day...
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Thank you, and Have a Blessed & Peaceful Day...