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Exploratory Committee of the People In brief the Exploratory Committee of the People's objective is to bridge the gap collectively in unity & harmony. We represent the voices of a wide variety of issues, concerns and causes, i.e. community, political, human rights, justice, labor, education and etc... Collectively, meaning we understand there's an array of groups and issues with missions and visions. We seek to bring these issues together as a collaborative voice to increase the overall exposure, under one umbrella. Now, to be clear this in no way takes away from any one group or cause, it's a platform of unity. Our collective will count as an overall block together. Thereby, amplifying the overall presence for each group and the overall group "Exploratory Committee of the People". As apart of this process we ask that you spread the news across your networks, all of us cross promote each other, and "LIKE" the Facebook "Exploratory Committee 2012 Election" link associated with this ongoing Facebook Event. Thank you, and Have a Blessed & Peaceful Day...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Citizens of the "Exploratory Committee of the People" Reject the Development of Super Committee as Unconstitutional

Dr. Shirley Moore, National Chair Exploratory Committee      909 283 0327 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            909 283 0327      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Donna Dymally, President Exploratory Committee

San Marcos, CA - 5 August 2011

The newly developed Exploratory Committee of the People, a non-partisan national citizens group, denounces the recent formulation of a Super Committee as unconstitutional. Earlier this week congress and the President signed into law a budget plan that assigned a Super Committee and gave it rights to automatically cut defense spending, Medicare and other programs. The powers granted to this Super Committee reflect a delegation of authority in direct violation to the Constitution.

The president, for example, checks the power of Congress with his power to veto, or reject, laws passed by Congress. In turn, Congress checks the president's power with the power to override a presidential veto by a two-thirds vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. The judiciary, which refers to the Supreme Court and lower federal courts, checks the power of both Congress and the president with the power to review government action to make sure it does not violate the Constitution.

The development of the Super Committee circumvents this process giving a committee power to take actions without the oversights and safeguards guaranteed by the Constitution.

The Super Committee is not included in the charge “To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof” which grants powers to the branches of government.

Members of the Senate and members of the House have the opportunity under the Constitution to debate items that are sent to them and to modify items that are sent to them. “To force them to vote just yes or no with no debate, not to follow the rules of the House, which permits amendments, not to follow the rules of the Senate, which permits a filibuster, is such a substantial removal of the authority the Constitution gave them that this legislation is treading in waters that might not be constitutional” states Shirley Moore, founder of the Exploratory Committee of the People.

There is an assault on the American family. The Exploratory Committee of the People seeks to raise public awareness and develop a unified voice demanding change in our national institutions.

“The war on the American family by corporations, discriminatory laws and policies that perpetuate staggering poverty cannot continue” states Walter Davis a TV Producer and columnist. “We are calling for the American people to march on Washington in protest of the continued support of the wealthy/lobbyists, violations of the constitution, aggressive attacks on the American family, the poor, the weak and under represented. We are not going to allow business as usual and we are going to hold our government accountable for its responsibility to protect American citizens from enemies foreign, AND DOMESTIC. This now includes the powers of the corporatetocracy who seek to undermine the Constitution, human rights, social justice and the right for American citizens to pursue happiness and security” Davis states strongly.

For more information:

"Exploratory Committee of the People" email:    exploratorycp@gmail.com

"Exploratory Committee of the People" Links:

Ongoing "Exploratory Committee of the People" Membership Drive Facebook Event: 

"Exploratory Committee of the People" LIKE page: 

Rep. Conyers to Obama: "We've Had It", Calls for Protests at the White House

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Napolitano warned that the "Super Congress" was an assault on the authority the Constitution gives

S. 365 Budget Control Act of 2011:    http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=s112-365

Bill Summary & Status 112th:   http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d112:s.365:

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Debt Ceiling - It's Time to Move Towards Balanced Budget Approach & Compromise

In Response to Color of Change:   Tell Democrats: Don't balance the budget on the backs of the poor and middle-class

Please Sign & Spread the Word and Let your Voice be Heard...


Peace, Love, & Global Harmony to All of God's Rainbow Tribes...

Let's begin with the kids need to learn how to play in the sandbox together, and should be more than ashamed of themselves for their ongoing behavior. While we sit in the mist of bullying crisis in the country this is an extremely bad example to present for the kids of America.  In addition when one thinks of conflict resolution which incorporates compromise, these legislators need to seriously get their act together, and think of someone else other than their egos & pride.

This is the ultimate in insanity and seriously lacks a sense of humanity, our economic security, the impoverished, middle class, unions, and our seniors.  It's time to stop the madness and put forth a balanced approach to include removing and/or reducing tax incentives for the top tier in our economy, many of which want to contribute as exampled by "Patriotic Millionaires for Fiscal Strength":  http://patrioticmillionaires.org/

They have appeared on many well know news shows, i.e. MSNBC prior to the New Year and since, requesting & supporting President Obama to not extend the Bush tax cuts.  They have since made a point of letting everyone know they are more than willing to do their part.

The current bill presented need to leave the Big 3 alone, and potentially the only changes should related to making their overall systems more effective and efficient, which generally tends to save cost.  There shouldn't be any cuts to benefits AT ALL...  A true balanced approach MUST INCLUDE GENERATING REVENUE, it's insane to think it doesn't.  But, above all America companies need to hire, reduce outsourcing for now and but hardworking taxpayers back to work.  Additionally, due to the state of the economy not moving at the pace expected another stimulus & extending unemployment benefits for ALL sectors of the unemployed is in order.

Another strong consideration should also be a mortgage and 401K retirement moratorium to give hardworking taxpayers a break that they deserve...

Thank you, and Have a Blessed & Peaceful Day...

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Walter Davis of SDC Community Coalition, Radio and T.V. Host, Interviews Dr. Shirley Moore

Enjoy this video and brief segment with Walter Davis of SDC Community Coalition, Radio and T.V. Host, Interviews Dr. Shirley Moore National Chair of Exploratory Committee of the People.

You can listen to the entire interview from the player on our "Welcome post on this blog... We appreciate your continued support, as we move towards working together in unity, harmony, and in peace...

Friday, July 22, 2011

Exploratory Committee for the People Objectives - Dr. Shirley Moore

Exploratory Committee for the People - Dr. Shirley Moore, National Chair

To listen in on Dr. Shirley Moore's radio show, just select a show from the Player on the "Exploratory Committee for the People" Blogspot

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Welcome to the "Exploratory Committee for the People"

Welcome to the "Exploratory Committee for the People", we extend the opportunity for you to Join us, in spreading the news of groups and causes working in unity & harmony.  So, stay tuned to our Blog, Radio Shows, Facebook, Twitter, and so much more...

Welcome to the "Exploratory Committee for the People" Snap Shot:
The "Exploratory Committee for the People" was created to conduct investigations and collect data on a National level. The data will allow our National Chairs an opportunity to sit at various Tables with US Departments heads.

Our goal is to generate public involvement and awareness thus, allowing our National Chairs to speak on behalf of the nations concerns. We are seeking State and County chairs to obtain the data in throughout the states.  This will empower and assist the National Chairs deliver these issues in an accurate, and concise presentation at the National Level.  

SDC Community Coalition with Host Walter Davis, interviews Dr. Shirley Moore Radio Host, Attorney, and "Exploratory Committee of the People"` National Chair:

Listen to internet radio with SDCommunityCoalition on Blog Talk Radio

Visit Walter Davis Enterprises:   http://www.WalterDavisenterprises.com

"Exploratory Committee of the People"

"Exploratory Committee of the People" on Blogspot:

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Facebook - ECP Ongoing Recruitment Event:

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Thank you, and Have a Blessed & Peaceful Day...